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Leading Digital Transformation - How to keep pace while changing
Future of Leadership Academy

Zielgruppe: This workshop is designed for senior executives, top decision makers and CEOs of medium-sized companies that want to lead digital transformation in a pro-active, conscious way. It provides a model of thinking to set the right priorities.

Voraussetzungen: English Language Skills

Vorteile: During this one-day intensive leadership workshop, you will: Understand how your peers from other industries and companies think about the digital challenge Seize the digital challenge of your own business based on the Digital Impact Triangle Assess the digital readiness of your business based on the most impactful drivers of digital business success Rethink your business model using the highly effective Job-to-be-done Model of Harvard thought leader Clayton Christensen Outline the leadership agenda of a digital transformation program based on a state-of-the-art case study Develop a fist hypothesis and pillars of your digital vision and decide about the next most impactful steps.

Beschreibung: Artificial intelligence and digital opportunities demand any CEO to challenge the existing value chain and think beyond. In this one-day workshop senior executives learn the most impactful strategic tools to drive digital transformation:

  • Assess the digital readiness of your organization.
  • Discover your digital vision based on the Jobs-to-be-Done Model developed by innovation thought leader Clay Christensen (Harvard Business School).
  • Learn how to successfully structure a digital transformation program to foster client-focused, quick and agile digital implementation.
  • See how the OKR framework (Objectives and Key Results) helps to motivate change by slicing big goals into actionable outcomes.


  • Assess the digital readiness of your organization.
  • Discover your digital vision based on the Jobs-to-be-Done Model developed by innovation thought leader Clay Christensen (Harvard Business School).
  • Learn how to successfully structure a digital transformation program to foster client-focused, quick and agile digital implementation.
  • See how the OKR framework (Objectives and Key Results) helps to motivate change by slicing big goals into actionable outcomes.

Future of Leadership Academy

Moderne Führung heißt aktive Unterstützer für erstrebenswerte Ziele zu gewinnen! In unserer heutigen Gesellschaft, die zunehmend von Technologie, Komplexität und Unsicherheit geprägt ist, verändern sich die Herausforderungen von Führungskräften laufend. Die (Weiter-) Entwicklung von Führungskompetenzen wird zu einer ständigen Aufgabe, die Räume für persönliches Wachstum, Austausch mit Gleichgesinnten und Experten, sowie inhaltliche Inspiration benötigt. 
Die Future of Leadership Academy bietet genau das! Unsere persönlich sowie intellektuell herausfordernden Formate sind geprägt von den Erkenntnissen der Forschung des FLI Think Tank und dem Input von über 130 globalen Vordenkern. Alle Inhalte sind wissenschaftlich fundiert, aber auf ihre direkte Anwendung in der täglichen Führungspraxis zugeschnitten. 

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